Reflections on a Train

I’ve often found that when travelling, be it by car, train, bus or plane, I find myself having intense and very omnipotent desires to disembark and just ‘be’; totally and wholly in that place I’m travelling through. It can be next to a fallen Willow by a river, a sparse paddock with all but one tree looming in the distance, a densely overgrown valley which has not seen the kiss of rain in months.

They induce a state of nostalgia for a memory of an experience that has never occurred. No matter how unfamiliar, the desire is always all-consuming.

Just now I was reflecting on these experiences and focussing attention on something I’ve never paid much attention to in my lifetime.

The theory that I came to is that all these places, being of extreme beauty, are a profound reflection of the places in your mind which usually are paid no heed but are the most enlightening. Solitary, harmonious, unchartered, mysterious, overgrown yet filled with astounding beauty.

These intense desires are just a self-projection of your mind looking back at itself in a simple yet very paradoxical manner. It’s a primordial desire to deepen a connection to this spectacular world we are living in.

This, to me, appears as a true testament that we are always one with the world, we can see parts of ourselves in every tree, every mountain, every landscape, every thing we look at.

This is solidarity…

Forever Home or Forever Homeless?

There are always those whom you meet during this journey that prompt such a question to arise within your mind.

It floats into your consciousness like a spec of dust settling on a windowsill warmed by morning light.

Why are we conditioned to believe home is a physical construction of bricks and mortar, not within yourself, everywhere you look.

Home is anything, everything and at the same time… nothing.

The moment you feel this from the deepest corner of your heart, all of the pieces magically fall into place.

You will always find a place to call home.

Home is: you…



The Omnipotent, Omnipresent Law of Attraction

The universal truth, that you attract what you project is a staggering yet life changing realisation that one can come to, honestly and truly.

The understanding that ‘truth’ itself is universally and not individually rooted, therefore cannot be created, only perceived, contains enough power in itself to leave your mind in a constant state of trance like wonder.

Aside from the woes of this world, all of the sorrow, hate and anger, if one can push aside the tiresome bonds of the ego and truly succumb to the blissful embrace of the unseen world, your purpose in this life becomes clearer than the stars on a Spring night.

Our collective purpose becomes clearer.

The infinite well of energy that we all came from is ever-present. It is, pieces of stars from the furthest corner of the universe & the very scent of the pollen in the air we breathe. Completely contained both within and without.
Never divided, never separated, always unified, always anywhere & everywhere all at once.

Happy Spring to those in the Southern Hemisphere 🌻πŸŒ